Photos of Conan in Movies

The Training Of Gregor Clegane

Friday, 06 August 2010

I have now been in Belfast for 4 days, most of the time sitting in my hotel room, trying to work on my new book (yes I know I was supposed to finish it already, but there were some other issues that took priority ).

The incredible life of an actor includes me going to the gym and then sitting in front of my laptop eating a can of baked beans and a tin of sardines ( combined 40g protein, 38g carbs and some good fish oils), or chicken sandwiches or instant noodles with a tin of tuna mixed in, or fruit and natural yoghurt, or oatmeal and milk, you get the picture - stuff you can eat without cooking.

I'm in a nice hotel, I've got a daily food allowance, I'm getting paid - why the heck am I eating like a self supporting University student? 

And for more on meeting Jason Momoa and Rory McCann and Gregors armour read on...



Scorpion King 3 To Film In Thailand

Sunday, 01 August 2010

AWESOME NEWS! Hot on the heels of my recent signing with HBO as Gregor Clegane this will open the way to negotiations to getting into the Scorpion King 3, AND most importantly the possibility of being hired as main cast - as in hired from L.A.

Exactly what does this mean? 


Flying To Belfast Today

Sunday, 01 August 2010

I fly to Belfast, Ireland tonight to start work with HBO's new TV series Game Of Thrones as Ser Gregor Clegane.

I have some armour fittings, sword training and horse riding lessons (it's been a long time since I rode last) to do before my filming starts.

Better go and pack my bag, lucky I am rather experienced at International travel now and it'll take me about 30 minutes, then to go get all my paperwork in order and try to relax a little. 


Ser Gregor Clegane I Am

Thursday, 08 July 2010

Now signed!

Ser Gregor Clegane, "The Mountain That Rides" - the character for the upcoming HBO TV series that I originally wrote about waayyyy back in March 2007 has  now been cast.

And it's me! I am to play Ser Gregor Clegane, "the baddest knight in a realm full of bad asses".

This is big news for my career. Possibly BIG news :) 

Anyway I digress. This credit alone will validate my acting career in a major US TV series as Gregor Clegane is a major character. No walk on big angry bad guy role here. Thank God... and my preparations... and, mostly, the fans.

The credit of working as Gregor Clegane with a big reputable company like HBO on a TV series that has such a promising production crew line up that it is as guaranteed as it is possible to get in becoming a hit TV show.....


New Showreel Footage From True Legend

Monday, 17 May 2010

This is some new (well recently released on DVD) footage of me fighting Chinese TV Star Guo Xiao-dong as "Ma Qing-feng" from the movie True Legend.

I'll be editing this into my new showreel in a prominent spot as soon as I get some footage aor photos from the Produvers of the film "Mystic Blade" that I shot recently in a character and fight that I love..... 


Making Of Bangkok Adrenaline

Monday, 22 March 2010

A new fansite with the making of Bangkok Adrenaline and behind the scenes photos has come to my attention.

Most of the photos and blog links are from my own photo pages and articles but not all.

Better yet for Bangkok Adrenaline fans the site is laid out in an easy to find and read manner rather than strewn over several years of blog posts like this site's Bangkok Adrenaline posts.

Go and have a read, it tells pretty much exactly how we went about making Bangkok Adrenaline


Another Auditionless TVC For Conan

Friday, 19 March 2010

Just recieved a call last night along the lines of "Hi Conan, I am in a bit of a rush right now but are you free to do a TV commercial next week for $x?"

To which I replied... 


A Song Of Ice And Fire Green Lighted

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

The HBO TV series pilot that was auditioned for and filmed recently has passed approval amongst the heads of programming at HBO.

The series has the green light so you can expect a medieval slaughterfest in the best traditions of the book series anytime soon(ish).

So why is Conan excited about this....


Wake Up Call - Conan Style

Saturday, 27 February 2010

Last night I was uncharacteristically up until late so this morning I slept in a little...

Until my phone rang and fully awoke me

"Hi Conan, it's xxxx, we have a main character part in a new movie we are making with yyyyy (whom I also know well), are you free for about 5 days shooting in the next few weeks?" 


True Legend Trailer - Movie Release Today

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

True Legend, the Chinese 3D action movie of 2010, has been released across China today in time for Chinese New Year, so you know it is a big release movie.

True Legend opens across the rest of Asia about the same time, in Thailand it is the week after, on the 18th Feb that it hits cinemas, so I'll have to wait until then to see it, hopefully there is an Imax cinema in Pattaya so I can see myself in 3D too.

True Legend with David Carradine

Molotov (me) Taking Instruction From David Carradine

I appear twice in the trailer and I even appear on the movie poster.... 


Solomon Kane Trailer Released

Thursday, 10 December 2009

AWESOME! It is not often I get excited about a movie.

Solomon Kane is another character by Robert E. Howard - the creator of the Conan (the barbarian) character.

This is one movie that I am looking forward to watching, it looks like a faithful reproduction of the book character which is important for me as the character in Robert E. Howards books has always resonated with me.

He is strong emotionally, mentally and physically tough (not big and muscular like the Conan character) with a strong life purpose - just the sort of 'hero' needed by todays youth....


Audition For New French Movie

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

This week I was contacted by a local Agent who is providing people for Auditions for a new French movie to be partly filmed in Thailand, partly filmed in Europe.

Having seen a few pages of the script (for character background and setting) I can see the character, a mercenary, is not a big part, but he does get some lines (Essential. No lines means you are a featured extra, getting lines means you are credited as an actor) and will be in a noticable part in the movie.

So will I take this lesser role than I am currently looking at in my auditions, would it be a step backward for me to take this lesser role? Yes it would.... will I go to the audition and meet the director?

Yes... and here is why... 


Conan Appears In New True Legend Teaser

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Just wrote a whole article on the new teaser and my F'ing Internet dropped as I saved it. Look inside for some pics and a summary, Iam rather pissed off as I wrote quite a bit...


Conan Stevens as Molotov In The Epic Chinese Movie "True Legend"


Should An Actor Have His Own Website

Monday, 28 September 2009

Recently on an Actors forum I replied to a post asking if an actor should have a personal website. Another qualified poster said it was more than important it is essential these days and talked about the old days when you would get out the Telephone book and look someone's number up.

He then went on to say when was the last time you looked up a business in the Telephone book? Years and years if I can remember rightly, probably over 10 years for me. These days I type in the business namke into a search engine and get the details from the web, or if that fails I use the Yellow Pages online.

You as an actor are a business, selling yourself, so yes you need to get online and findable.... 


New TV Series Audition *Updated

Thursday, 03 September 2009

I am unable to write any details at this stage but my Acting Agent in Australia, has managed to secure an audition for the pilot of an upcoming American TV series, in a role that could be very suitable for me.

With a number of opportunities arising at present, it is only a matter of time before I sign up with one.

The best thing about all this for me is that the quality of the productions and the quality of the roles is better than any I have previously done. It looks like my plan to serve my movie apprenticeship in Asia was in fact a good choice and my plan did work. Great. My plan to be found via Search Engines and approached for auditions because of this, my actors website, is also working very well. Now I can launch into the US movie market at a 'reasonable' and financially interesting level.

So I grabbed a mates camera, grabbed my mate who has no acting or 'reading' experience and we filmed the audition...


Conan Stevens Showreel Aug 2009

Wednesday, 02 September 2009

New Opportunity = New showreel.

Just about everytime a new chance for a movie part that is big comes along, out I come with a new showreel... if I can... So that means I have been asked if I would like to be in a new BIG movie that everyone will know??? Can't say just yet but had an interesting social meeting the other night....

Since Bangkok Adrenaline is now out all across Thailand I can get some footage, unfortunately it has all been dubbed into Thai.... except for 2 deleted scenes that were added to the DVD edition as extra features!

Yay! Footage of me speaking English! Not dubbed into Thai, Hindi, or Mandarin as usual. 

Bangkok Adrenaline Instores Across Thailand

 Bangkok Adrenaline In Stores (Powerkids is the DVD above)

Funnily enough the Powerkids DVD was on sale just above the Bangkok Adrenaline DVD. Too bad the Powerkids footage is useless at this point in my career....


How To Find A Good Acting Agent

Monday, 20 July 2009

As an actor the roles you get will be less dependant upon your abilitites than the abilities of your agent.

A harsh reality, an even harsher reality when your agent isn't very experienced or has different goals than you do.

So how do you get a good acting agent? 


Bangkok Adrenaline - How Did It Do?

Wednesday, 03 June 2009

Our movie, Bangkok Adrenaline, has finished its run in cinemas in Thailand - 7 weeks total, the longest run being in the touristic seaside resort - Pattaya. Bangkok Adrenaline was a cinematical success!

According to my knowledge in Thai cinema there several cut off points if your movie doesn't make monetary targets it is removed from cinema.

Bangkok Adrenaline made it past the two cut off points and was allowed to run until it stopped making profits.... 

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